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传承经典 文化强国 重点推荐书法家——魏源|艺术|书画家|书法作品
发布日期:2025-01-03 18:19    点击次数:196
    魏源,1968年出生湖北,著名书画家,国家高级书法师, 国礼艺术家。毕业于北京财经大学,现长居北京,全国书法协会常务理事,多次荣获全国十大优秀作品奖。魏源书法作品灵动飘逸,大刀阔斧,恣式张扬,格调清新,在中国传统书法基础上不断探索、创新、形成自家书风,笔墨枯如铁马秋风,润如梨花春雨,有如行云流水,高山坠石,乱而有致,犯而无野,灵活自由的书法语言,表达出作品的意境和情感,体现了他的艺术天赋和对书法敏锐的感悟能力,骨力遒劲,虚实相生,羧角峻砺,浓淡相宜,魏源的书法作品里有诗情画意,有音乐旋律,有舞蹈的华姿,又有文字的内涵。这就是魏源老师书法的特点。作品曾在国内多家知名书刊、报刊杂志上发表。书法艺术作品颇得国内外宾客的青睐和好评,知名度很高。书法家魏源老师响应国家号召,积极参加公益文化活动,和一众文化界名人热情参与各界文化推广活动。他正在不遗余力为中国书法艺术潜心研究,再创辉煌。Wei Yuan, born in 1968 in Hubei Province, is a famous calligrapher and painter, national senior calligrapher and national gift artist. Graduated from Beijing University of Finance and Economics, now living in Beijing, the executive director of the National Calligraphy Association, has won the national Ten outstanding works award for many times.Wei Yuan's calligraphy works are nimble and elegant, bold, unbristly and fresh in style. On the basis of traditional Chinese calligraphy, he constantly explores and innovates to form his own style of writing. His brush and ink are as dry as iron horse autumn wind, as moist as pear flower spring rain, as flowing clouds and flowing water, as falling stones from mountains, chaotic and harmonious, guilty but not wild, flexible and free calligraphy language expresses the artistic conception and emotion of his works. Reflects his artistic talent and keen perception of calligraphy ability, the bones are strong, the real and the false, the Angle is sharp, the shade is appropriate, Wei Yuan's calligraphy works have poetry, music melody, dance posture, and the connotation of the text. This is the characteristic of teacher Wei Yuan's calligraphy.His works have been published in many well-known books, newspapers and magazines in China. The calligraphy art works are well received and praised by domestic and foreign guests, and have a high reputation.In response to the call of the state, Mr. Wei Yuan, a calligrapher, actively participated in public cultural activities, and a number of cultural celebrities enthusiastically participated in cultural promotion activities from all walks of life. He is sparing no effort to devote himself to the study of Chinese calligraphy art and create new glory.